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China slams Taiwan's WHO membership hopes

China spoke out Wednesday against an attempt by Taiwan to join the World Health Organization (WHO) under the name "Taiwan", state media reported. "As part of China, Taiwan is not eligible to join the WHO as a member or quasi-member. Neither is it qualified to join the WHO as an observer," said Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Yang Yi. Officials in Taipei said last week that they were planning a new bid to join the World Health Assembly (WHA), the highest decision-making body of the WHO, and also apply for WHO membership. The island has made regular attempts to become an observer at the WHA as a "health entity" since 1997, all of which have been blocked by Beijing. It was removed from the WHO in 1972, a year after being displaced by Beijing as the China representative at the UN. There is also currently a dispute between Beijing and Taipei about the route of the Olympic torch relay, which Beijing wants to pass through Taiwan.

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